Old School Sewing Machine Challenge

By Bryan
Singer Class 15 Sewing Machine Front

Having used many different brands and models of sewing machines over the years, I have to admit that some of the machines I have used tend to make sewing so effortless that it is easy it is to forget some alternate and earlier methods of constructing garments. With that, I thought it would be fun to shake things up and commit to using a single machine from start to finish.

While using a single machine from start to finish on a project is not a new concept to me, it is still a workflow that I rarely have to employ. For my first project to be intentionally constructed using a single machine, I plan to use a Singer class 15 sewing machine with progressively newer machines being used for subsequent demo garments.

At the current, I am working on a lined single-button blazer to confirm that older sewing machines can still hold their own against newer machines so make sure to check back.